Emmaus Equipping College Bible Classes is sponsored by the Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia. Join us for online Bible classes in a fun, supportive and authentic exploration of God's Word, which is designed to equip your gifting in the Lord's service.

See the need for Godly people to stand up to the task?

The Father calls us, Jesus equips us, the Holy Spirit convicts us, and the church needs us!

This course initiative is designed to assist the development of the church in Australia by equipping men and women, according to their gifts and calling in the Holy Spirit, for works of service (ministry) within the Body of Christ.

Open Bible

About Emmaus

Two confused disciples experienced a life-changing transformation on the road to Emmaus, as the resurrected Jesus came alongside and expounded from the scriptures the extensive Christology of His suffering and glory. They said, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” (Luke 24:32)

The Emmaus experience involved Jesus' teaching and the Holy Spirit's conviction, resulting in a 180-degree turnaround for those two disciples. They immediately travelled back to Jerusalem with a powerful and compelling testimony.

Emmaus Equipping College Bible Classes is an online non-accredited exploration of the holy scriptures designed to equip our people in growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and therefore to be equipped in serving His church. We explore tried and tested methods of reading, understanding and interpreting the scriptures, as well as equip those who serve in the pulpit with expository, Christ-centred preaching and teaching.

The college-level course is currently open to all our church fellowship in Australia, but of course highly recommended, even mandated, for those who serve from the pulpit in teaching, preaching and facilitating ministries.

- Emmaus Equipping

Texts utilised in our 2025-26 classes

You may purchase these either in Kindle or hardcover form.

Class Login Resource Portal

Only registered students may login to this resource portal.

Class Topics

These are some of the topics we can expect to encounter during our exploration and journey through the Bible.

  • 2025 Grasping God's Word
  • Christ Centred Preaching
  • Expository Preaching
  • Survey of the Old Testament
  • Survey of the New Testament
  • Life and Ministry of Jesus
  • Spiritual Formation
  • Fallen Condition Focus
  • Biblical Exegesis

Student FAQs

Grasping God's Word class duration is envisioned for about eleven months, but this may vary. Christ Centered Preaching is recommended/mandated reading for all who participate in teaching, preaching or speaking/facilitating - for all who serve from the pulpit. This text will constitute our second class.

We envisage meeting online via Zoom every six weeks, with dates and times set beforehand. Feedback has indicated that Sunday afternoons may work best for most online meeting classes. Please login to the student portal for current and relevant information about meeting times, as well as require course textbooks.

Students login to the Emmaus student portal, and utilise an online form to submit their written responses. Documents may also be emailed.

We encourage timely responses, as students will exchange their submissions for peer reading and comment, before finally submitting their material to their class mentors/facilitators. The classes are as close to being self-paced as reasonably possible.

In an ideal situation, we are all mentors and as well as being mentored. This is the model we believe will work with Emmaus Equipping. We have students with previous degrees who could work as facilitators and mentors, and other students are embarking on more serious biblical studies for the very first time. Our faculty - let's call them mentors - have been invited as player-coaches, and who because of their biblical experience and desire, can and do help mentor, encourage and inspire others. We currently have John Klassek, Mike Baran and Michael Evans who are apt and proven teachers. Their role, after student peer to peer reviews are completed, will additionally preview and mentor students with their assignments.

We rely on the work of the Holy Spirit among us. As Christ commissions and upbuilds us, among many other gifts, is that of the role of teachers.

At this time, there is no cost to participate in classes. However, participants must purchase course reading material. These may be purchased either at Word Bookstore, Koorong or with Amazon online. Please also note that this is a non-accredited course, designed however to equip all who wish to explore their fullest potential in Christ to serve according to their spiritual gifts and divine calling. We do offer, however, a certificate of attainment/recognition for all who complete each course.

If you are committed to completing the course together with timely submission of assignments, then the church in Australia may favourably consider subsidising any course materials including study books for Australian students.

Recommended reading

  • Conformed to His Image, Revised, Kenneth Boa
  • Encountering the Old/New Testament, Arnold Beyer
  • IPV Bible Background Commentary, OLD, NEW
  • Christ Centered Preaching, Bryan Chapell

Other texts

Study Books


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Emmaus Equipping College Bible Classes
Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia
PO Box 777, Northam WA 6401

Phone: +614 2999 2777
Email: emmaus(at)cog7.au

Sponsored by the Church of God (Seventh Day) in Australia

This course initiative is designed to assist the development of the Church of God (Seventh Day) in Australia by further equipping men and women, according to their gifts, for works of service within the Body of Christ. Participation in this course is highly recommended, even mandated, for all who serve in teaching, preaching and facilitating (in pulpit ministry).

Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia

Emmaus Equipping College Bible Class

Phone +61 4 2999 2777
PO Box 777, Northam WA 6401
Email: emmaus(at)cog7.au

© Copyright 2024-25 Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia